Remembering those who fought in the Great War.

Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders


The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders is the Regiment that is represented in greater numbers in Inverclyde than any other Regiment, due of course to the fact that this was the assigned recruiting area for the Argyll’s. There were of course the Regular Battalions who alternated between postings at Home and Abroad. These guys were the first into battle at the start of the War in 1914 and fought at Mons and Neuve Chapelle, alongside their Reservists who had been called up. As the war progressed the Kitchener Service Battalions of Volunteers and Conscripted were formed but these could take men from anywhere. The Argyll’s most associated with the area were however the local Territorial Regiment – the 5th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders. The 5th was full of men from the local shipyards, in the main, who had joined the Battalion to earn some more money(if they joined prior to the start of the War) or who wanted to fight alongside their friends, family & workmates. In effect they were a sort of Pals Battalion. The Battalion was led by the great and good of local society – the Professional classes, Merchants and Businessmen. They trained locally, with companies in Greenock, Gourock & Port Glasgow and had their headquarters at the Finnart Street drill hall, next to the Academy grounds.

Because of the numbers involved we have produced separate accounts for each of the Battalions but in the first place we have posted a list of the Men of the Regiment, starting with a list of those killed. It is not a complete list and we welcome corrections and additions. We have tried to be as accurate as possible but mistakes can creep in. Some names may be duplicated but it can prove difficult to be sure that they are one and the same person. So far we have a total of 1322 men who fought with the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders – of these 554 died

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Service men and women of Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders