The Highland Light Infantry
2nd Battalion HLI
August 1914 : at Aldershot. Part of 5th Brigade in 2nd Division.
14 August 1914 : landed at Boulogne.
1/9th Battalion – Glasgow HLI
August 1914 : at Greendyke Street, Glasgow. Part of HLI Brigade in Lowland Division. Moved on mobilisation to Dunfermline.
5 November 1914 : left the Division and landed in France.
23 November 1914 : joined 5th Brigade in 2nd Division.
30 January 1916 : left the Division and became GHQ Troops.
29 May 1916 : joined 100th Brigade in 33rd Division.
1/9th (Glasgow Highland) Battalion, Highland Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Regiment) was at territorial unit with the HQ at Greendyke Street, Glasgow serving as part of HLI Brigade, Lowland Division when war broke out in Augsut 1914. They were at once mobilised and moved to Dunfermline in a defensive role. On the 5th of November the left the Division and proceeded to France, joining 5th Brigade, 2nd Division on the 23rd. They took part in the Winter Operations 1914-15 and in 1915 saw action at The Battle of Festubert and The Battle of Loos. On the 30th of January 1916 they left the Division and became GHQ Troops. On the 29th of May they joined 100th Brigade, 33rd Division. They were in action in the Battles of the Somme. In 1917 they took part in the Arras Offensive, The actions on the Hindenburg Line, the Operations on the Flanders coast and the Third Battles of Ypres. In 1918 they were in action in the Battles of the Lys, the Battles of the Hindenburg Line and the Final Advance in Picardy. At the Armistice the Division was in a peroid of rest in the Sambre valley near Leval Demobilisation took placr throughout the first months of 1919 with Divisional HQ moving to Le Havre on the 28th of February.
10th Battalion
Formed at Hamilton in August 1914 as part of K1 and came under command of 28th Brigade in 9th (Scottish) Division.
Moved to Bordon and in March 1915 went on to Bramshott.
Landed at Boulogne 12 May 1915.
6 May 1915 : attached to South African Brigade in same Division.
14 May 1916 : transferred to 46th Brigade in 15th (Scottish) Division and amalgamated with 11th (Service) Bn to form 10/11th Bn.
1 February 1918 : transferred to 119th Brigade in 40th Division.
16 February 1918 : transferred to 120th Brigade in same Division.
6 May 1918 : reduced to cadre.
3 June 1918 : transferred to 34th Division.
16 June 1918 : transferred to 43rd Brigade in 14th (Light) Division at Boulogne and returned to England. Moved to Brookwood near Aldershot.
21 June 1918 : rebuilt by absorbing 22nd battalion and retitled as 10th Bn.
5 July 1918 : landed at Boulogne.
10th (Service) Battalion, Highland Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Regiment) was raised at Hamilton in August 1914 as part of Kitchener's First New Army. After initial training close to home they joined 28th Brigade in 9th (Scottish) Division. They moved to Bordon and in March 1915 went on to Bramshott for final training. They proceeded to France landing at Boulogne on the 12th of May 1915, attached to the South African Brigade still with 9th (Scottish) Division. On the 14th they transferred to 46th Brigade in 15th (Scottish) Division and amalgamated with 11th (Service) Battalion to form the 10th/11th Battalion. They would not resume their own identity until the 21st of June 1918 when they had returned to England after heavy losses and were reformed absorbing the 22nd HLI, they returned to France on the 5th of July landing at Bologne with 43rd Brigade 14th (Light) Division and went into action at Ypres and fought in the Final Advance in Flanders.
11th Battalion
Formed at Hamilton in August 1914 as part of K1 and came under command of 28th Brigade in 9th (Scottish) Division.
Record same as 10th Bn.
14 May 1916 : transferred to 46th Brigade in 15th (Scottish) Division and amalgamated with 10th (Service) Bn to form 10/11th Bn.
11th (Service) Battalion, Highland Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Regiment) was raised at Hamilton in August 1914 as part of Kitchener's First New Army. After initial training close to home they joined 28th Brigade in 9th (Scottish) Division. They moved to Bordon and in March 1915 went on to Bramshott for final training. They proceeded to France landing at Boulogne on the 12th of May 1915, attached to the South African Brigade still with 9th (Scottish) Division. On the 14th they transferred to 46th Brigade in 15th (Scottish) Division and amalgamated with 10th (Service) Battalion to form the 11th/11th Battalion.
10th/11th (Service) Battalion, Highland Light Infantry was formed on the 14th of May when the 10th HLI amalgamated with 11th HLI to form the 10/11th Battalion and they joined 46th Brigade in 15th (Scottish) Division. They were in action in the The Battle of Loos in 1915. In spring 1916, they were involved in the German gas attacks near Hulluch and the defence of the Kink position. They were in action duringthe Battles of the Somme, including The Battle of Pozieres, The Battle of Flers-Courcelette and the capture of Martinpuich, The Battle of Le Transloy and the attacks on the Butte de Warlencourt. In 1917 they were in action in The First and Second Battle of the Scarpe, including the capture of Guemappe during the Arras Offensive. They then moved north to Flanders and were in action during the The Battle of Pilckem and The Battle of Langemark. On the 1st of February 1918 they transferred to 119th Brigade, 40th Division then on the 16th to 120th Brigade in the same Division as the Army was reorganised. They were in action in The Battle of St Quentin and The Battle of Bapaume then moved to Flanders and were in action in The Battle of Estaires and The Battle of Hazebrouck, suffering very heavy losses. On the 6th of May 1918 the Battalion was reduced to cadre on the 3rd of June they transferred to 34th Division and on the 16th to 43rd Brigade in 14th (Light) Division at Boulogne and they returned to England. They moved to Brookwood near Aldershot and on the 21st of June 1918 the Battalion was rebuilt by absorbing the 22nd Battalion HLI. The battalion was retitled the 10th HLI and returned to France on the 5th of July, landing at Boulogne and joined Second Army, seeing action at Ypres 1918 and in the final advance in Flanders.
12th Battalion
Formed at Hamilton in September 1914 as part of K2 and came under command of 46th Brigade in 15th (Scottish) Division. Moved to Bordon and in March 1915 went to Romsey. Moved to Chisledon Camp (Salisbury Plain) in April 1915.
Landed at Boulogne 10 July 1915.
3 February 1918 : transferred to 106th Brigade in 35th Division.
12th (Service) Battalion, Highland Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Regiment) was raised at Hamilton in September 1914 as part of Kitchener's Second New Army and joined 46th Brigade in 15th (Scottish) Division. They moved to Bordon for training and in March 1915 moved to Romsey then to Chisledon Camp on Salisbury Plain for final training in April 1915. They proceeded to France landing at Boulogne on the 10th of July 1915. They were in action in the The Battle of Loos in 1915. In spring 1916, they were involved in the German gas attacks near Hulluch and the defence of the Kink position. They were in action duringthe Battles of the Somme, including The Battle of Pozieres, The Battle of Flers-Courcelette and the capture of Martinpuich, The Battle of Le Transloy and the attacks on the Butte de Warlencourt. In 1917 they were in action in The First and Second Battle of the Scarpe, including the capture of Guemappe during the Arras Offensive. On the 3rd of February 1918 they transferred to 106th Brigade, 35th Division. They were in action in The Battle of Courtrai and The action of Tieghem during the Final Advance in Flanders.
1/5th (City of Glasgow) Battalion
August 1914 : at Garnethill, Glasgow. Part of HLI Brigade in Lowland Division. Moved on mobilisation to Dunfermline.
11 May 1915 : formation became 157th Brigade in 52nd (Lowland) Division.
26 May 1915 : sailed from Devonport for Gallipoli, going via Egypt (5-28 June) and Mudros (1 July), landing at Cape Helles on 3 July.
8 January 1916 : evacuated from Gallipoli to Mudros and arrived Egypt in February.
11 April 1918 : Division left Egypt, battalion arrived Marseilles 17 April for service on Western Front.
5th (City of Glasgow) Battalion, Highland Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Regiment) was at territorial unit with the HQ at Garnethill, Glasgow serving as part of HLI Brigade, Lowland Division. They had just departed for annual summer campwhen war broke out in August 1914, They were at once mobilised and moved to Dunfermline in a defensive role. On the 11th of May 1915 the formation was renamed 157th Brigade, 52nd (Lowland) Division. On the 26th of May they sailed from Devonport for Gallipoli, via Egypt and Mudros. They landed at Cape Helles on the 3rd of July. They were in action at Gully Ravine, Achi Baba Nullah, Krithia Nullahs and The evcuation of Helles on the 8th of January 1916. They moved to Egypt and concentrated at Abbassia near Cairo. They moved to El Kantara and took over No 3 Section of the Suez Canal defences on the 2nd of March. They were in action at Dueidar in April and The Battle of Romani in August. In 1917 they were in action during The First, Second and Third Battles of Gaza, at Wadi el Hesi, The capture of Junction Station, The Battle of Nabi Samweil and The Battle of Jaffa including the passage of the Nahr-el-Auja. 52nd Division remained in the line near Arsuf until March 1918 when it was relieved by the 7th (Meerut) Division and proceedrd to France, sailing from Alexandria on the 11th of April, via Marseilles they concentrated near Abbeville. 52nd Divisiobn took over a sector of front line near Vimy on the 6th of May until the 23rd of July when they moved to take over the line north east of Arras. They were in action inThe Battle of Albert, The Battle of the Scarpe, The Battle of the Drocourt-Queant Line, The Battle of the Canal du Nord and The Final Advance in Artois. At the Armistice 52nd Division was north of the Mons canal engaged on clearing Herchies.
15th (Service) Battalion (1st Glasgow)
Often known by its original title of the Glasgow Tramways Battalion.
Formed in Glasgow on 2 September 1914 by the Lord Provost and City, with many recruits coming from the Tramways Department. Moved to Gailes.
May 1915 : moved to Prees Heath and came under command of 97th Brigade in 32nd Division. Moved in June 1915 to Wensleydale and on to Salisbury Plain in August. Adopted by War Office 1 July 1915.
Landed at Boulogne 23 November 1915.
3 January 1918 : transferred to 14th Brigade in same Division.
15th (Glasgow Tramways) Battalion, Highland Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Regiment) was raised in Glasgow on the 2nd of September 1914 by the Lord Provost and City, with many recruits coming from the Tramways Department. They trained at Gailes and in May 1915 moved to Prees Heath to join 97th Brigade in 32nd Division. The camp was found to be too wet for training and they moved in June 1915 to Wensleydale. The Battalion was adopted by the War Office on the 1st of July 1915 and they moved to Salisbury Plain in August for final training and firing practice at Codford on Salisbury Plain. They proceeded to France, landing at Boulogne on the 23rd of November 1915 In 1916 they were in action during the Battles of the Somme 1916, In 1917 they were involved in Operations on the Ancre and the pursuit of the German retreat to the Hindenburg Line. On the 3rd of January 1918 they transferred to 14th Brigade still with 32nd Division and were in action on the Somme and in the Battles of the Hindenburg Line and the Final Advance in Picardy
1st Battalion
August 1914 : in Ambala, India. Part of the Sirhind Brigade in the 3rd (Lahore) Division.
Moved to France via Egypt, landing at Marseilles 1 December 1914 (some weeks after the other Brigades of the Division).
December 1915 : moved to Mesopotamia.
January 1917 : left the Division and moved to the Tigris Defences.
September 1917 : attached to 51st Brigade in 17th Indian Division in Mesopotamia, where it then remained.
16th (Service) Battalion (2nd Glasgow)
Often known by its original title of the Glasgow Boys Brigade Battalion.
Formed in Glasgow on 2 September 1914 by the Lord Provost and City, with many recruits coming from the Boys Brigade. Moved to Gailes.
May 1915 : moved to Prees Heath and came under command of 97th Brigade in 32nd Division. Moved in June 1915 to Wensleydale and on to Codford in August. Adopted by War Office 1 July 1915.
Landed at Boulogne 23 November 1915.
22 February 1918 : became Pioneer Battalion in same Division
17th (Service) Battalion (3rd Glasgow)
Formed in Glasgow on 10 September 1914 by the Chamber of Commerce. Moved briefly to Gailes on 23 September and then on to Troon on 13 October 1914.
Record same as 16th Bn.
11 February 1918 : disbanded in France.
See history of the 17th
14th (Service) Battalion
Formed at Hamilton in July 1915 as a Bantam Battalion. Moved to Troon.
September 1915 : moved to Blackdown and came under command of 120th Brigade in 40th Division.
2 March 1916 : absorbed the 13th Bn, the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles).
June 1916 : landed in France.
Early 1917 : ceased to be a Bantam Bn.
6 May 1918 : reduced to cadre strength.
3 June 1918 : transferred to 34th Division.
17 June 1918 : transferred to 39th Division.
16 August 1918 : transferred to 197th Brigade in 66th (2nd East Lancashire) Division.
14th (Service) Battalion, Highland Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Regiment) was raised at Hamilton in July 1915 as a Bantam Battalion. They trained at Troon until September when they moved to Blackdown to join 120th Brigade, 40th Division. On the 2nd of March 1916 they absorbed the 13th Battalion, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). They proceeded to France in June 1916, where the division concentrated near Lillers. They went into the front line near Loos and were later in action in The Battle of the Ancre on the Somme. In 1917 they saw action during The German retreat to the Hindenburg Line, The capture of Fifteen Ravine, Villers Plouich, Beaucamp and La Vacquerie abd The Cambrai Operations, including the capture of Bourlon Wood in November. In 1918 they fought in The Battle of St Quentin and The Battle of Bapaume on the Somme then the The Battle of Estaires and The Battle of Hazebrouck in Flanders, suffering heavy losses. The Division was reduced to a cadre and were reorganised, on the 3rd of June the 14th HLI transferred to 34th Division, then on the 17th to 39th Division. On the 16th of August they transferred to 197th Brigade, 66th (2nd East Lancashire) Division, returning to action in October in The Battle of Cambrai and The Pursuit to the Selle. They fought in The Battle of the Selle and on the 21st of October the Division was withdrawn for rest moving to the Serain area. On the 2nd of November they advanced through Le Cateau engaging in sharp fighting. On the 9th of November a number of units of the Division were selected to advance through Belgium to occupy the Rhone Bridgeheads and were placed under command of Bethell's Force. At the Armistice the advanced units of this Force were on the line of Pont de Republique through Grandrieu to Montbliart. They advanced into Germany and remained there until demobilised.
Service men and women of Highland Light Infantry
- Donald Graham Alexander
- John M Buchanan
- Reginald Price Cole
- Joseph Donald
- Frank Fairman
- Gavin Fleming
- Samson Gibson
- Peter Glacken
- Alexander Greeves
- Bernard Hilferty (HLI)
- John Laird
- William Urquhart Park MacDermid
- Thomas Marshall
- Samuel McCuaig
- John McGill
- John Kirk Melville
- James Orr(HLI)
- Andrew Purdue
- Joseph Sinclair
- James G Tinson
- Patrick Callaghan
- William Daisley
- John Bain
- John Burden
- Peter Carr
- William Collison
- Henry Steel Davidson
- John Douglas
- Malcolm Fletcher
- Matthew Giffen
- John Gough
- John K Houston
- Robert Lamont
- John MacDonald (HLI)
- John Martin alias Devlin
- Thomas Rennie McLeod McBride
- Andrew McDonald
- Neil McGlynn (HLI)
- John Mclean HLI
- Harry Millen
- Samuel Monteith
- Thomas Nicol(HLI)
- William Orr HLI
- Gilbert Anderson Ramsay
- Peter S Smith
- James Todd
- Charles Gibbon
- Francis C. Gordon Barr
- John McGonigle
- George Ross McIntosh
- George Waldo Allan
- Hugh Barbour
- Joseph Carroll
- Alexander Davis (HLI)
- Kenneth Lees Duckett
- Richard Fletcher
- W Gillan
- James Graham
- Robert L Guthrie
- Peter Lawson
- Thomas Macdougal
- Allan McLean Masson
- Frank McCann(HLI)
- William McDonald (HLI)
- James Mcilravey
- David McLeod
- David Miller
- Robert Moore(HLI)
- Thomas Nisbet
- Daniel Parker
- James Reid (HLI)
- John Scott (HLI)
- George Spilg
- Philip Wilson
- Stewart Campbell
- Thomas Bell
- John Carruthers (HLI)
- John Dougal Connell
- Bernard Davitt/Curran
- Thomas Swan Dunsmore
- David Ferguson
- Roderick Forsyth
- William Gillan
- John Wilfred Graham
- Peter Hamilton (HLI)
- James S Leitch
- John Allan MacDougall
- William Burns McCarthy
- Thomas McDougall
- James McIver
- Thomas McMillan (HLI)
- Peter B Miller
- James Morrison
- Alexander CL Niven
- James Reid (HLI)
- Edward Stewart
- Thomas Walker
- John Workman
- John Allison
- Hugh McLean Brown
- Francis Cambell
- Neil Cassidy
- Alfred Denney
- Andrew G Dunsmuir
- William Fraser
- Dugald Gillespie
- Thomas Collard Graves
- William M Harper
- James Johnston
- William Lochhead
- Duncan MacGregor
- Angus McAdam
- Francis McCartney
- Alexander McEwan/ McEwen
- George McKay
- Alexander McPhail
- William Miller
- William O’donnell
- John Peden
- Robert Rodger (HLI)
- William Scott (HLI)
- James Stewart (HLI)
- Thomas C Wallace
- Andrew Young
- William Brown
- Archie Campbell
- Thomas Cavanagh
- James Devine
- David Elliot
- James Freeburn
- James Murray Gray
- Bernard Haughey
- Joseph Logan
- Hugh MacPherson
- Richard McClintock
- James McGarrity
- R Mills
- Stewart Dawson Oliver
- John Peebles
- John Rooney HLI
- James Gibb Stuart
- Daniel Walsh
- James Young
- William Blackley
- James Adams
- Robert Archer
- Francis Campbell
- Donald Clark
- James Cullen
- Charles Elliott
- John Ferguson
- Charles Haughey
- William Kelly (HLI)
- Alex F MacAulay
- Harry MacRobert
- Robert John McAleese
- James McCormick
- John McGee/ McGhee
- Robert McKee
- Bertie McWilliams
- Edward Mitchell
- John Munn
- George Watt Peddie
- Alexander Lindsay Sheridan
- Anthony Sweeney (HLI)
- Robert Young
- McDonald, James McDonald
- Adam Adams
- Charles Hill Armour
- John Daniel Buchanan
- Robert Docherty (HLI)
- James Evans
- Alexander Fleck
- Joseph Girvan
- James Greer
- Patrick W Hendry
- Daniel Laird
- Charles Macaulay
- George F Maitland
- Samuel McAllister
- John McCracken HLI
- John McGhee
- William McKee
- Hugh MacDonald Mees
- John Mitchell(HLI)
- James Gray Murray
- James O’Malley
- William Ross
- William Shirley (HLI)
- Thomas E Taylor
- Charles Weir
- Peter Nicolson
- William Auld
- Peter G Campbell
- Gordon Cunningham
- Neil Black Mcarthur
- David Mclaren
- David James Walker Monteith
- Thomas Murray
- John Roxburgh
- James Whiteford
- John C Alexander
- John Fairgrieve Farquhar
- William S Gregory
- James Whittet
- James Cairney
- MJ Coltart
- Archibald Ferguson
- John Love Howie
- Thomas S Tough
- Andrew Allison
- John Callan
- Samuel C McM Jardine
- J Paterson
- Thomas Scott
- Kenneth Conochie
- George Ferguson
- John Andrew
- James Crombie
- John Gillies
- James Johnstone
- Robert Mckee
- John Mcvicar
- Robert Morton
- Robert E Semple
- Hugh Buchanan
- Andrew Dillon
- Ian K Galbraith
- James Gilmour
- John Gray
- Olaf Olsen
- Alexander RH Phillips
- Hugh Webster
- John H Campbell
- John G Coats
- Henry Cunningam
- James Gardner
- Thomas Ponsonby