Remembering those who fought in the Great War.

3rd Highland Howitzer Brigade

The Highland Howitzers were the old 1st Renfrew Artillery. In 1908 they became the 'Greenock Howitzers' - a small local territorial outfit with headquarters in South Street. 

CCLVIII (III Highland Howitzer) Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, served as Divisional Artillery with 51st (Highland) Division. The Highland Division was created in 1908 part of the Territorial Force. They had just departed for annual camp when they were recalled to home base, they mobilised for full time war service on the 5th of August 1914 and concentrated at Bedford. Several units were sent to France as reinforcements for the BEF between November 1914 and March 1915. The rest of the Division proceeded to France in early May 1915. The Division concentrated in the area of Lillers, Busnes and Robecq and were rushed to the defence of Ypres, being in action until the 19th of May when they moved to Estaires on the River Lys. They were in action in the The Battle of Festubert and The Second Action of Givenchy before moving south to The Somme taking over the line near Hamel. In 1916 they were in action in the Battles of the Somme, including the attacks on High Wood. CCLVIII (III Highland Howitzer) Brigade, RFA was broken up on the 21st of August 1916 and men were reallocated mostly to 255th & 256th Brigade. They were renumbered in 1917 

630001-635000 255 BDE, RFA TF/ 1/1 HIGHLAND BDE

630001-635000 320 BDE, RFA TF/BDE, 2/HIGHLAND

635001-640000 256 BDE, RFA TF/ 1/ 2 HIGHLAND BDE

635001-640000 321 BDE, RFA TF/ 2/HIGHLAND

640001-645000 258 BDE, RFA TF/ 1/2 HIGHLAND BDE

640001-645000 322 BDE, RFA TF/ 2/HIGHLAND

645001-650000 51 DAC/ HIGHLAND

645001-650000 64 DAC/ 2/HIGHLAND

Service men and women of 3rd Highland Howitzer Brigade