Service men and women of Royal Field Artillery
- James Brennan
- William Campbell (RFA)
- Charles Connor
- Robert John Slessor Gardner
- George Harron
- Donald Gilchrist Kinniburgh
- James Leitch
- Peter C Macfarlane
- William Marshall MM
- Duncan Mccallum
- Archibald Mcgregor
- Alexander Munro
- Sydney Athelstane Richardson
- William Logan Sinclair
- Albert Edward Thomson
- Arthur Wilson
- Sutherland Sendair Wright
- Alan Lumsden Butler
- Samuel Allison (RFA)
- Alex Brooks
- James Henry Cooper
- Patrick Friel
- PJ Garthland
- Patrick Green
- Hugh Hart
- Hugh Kinniburgh
- Robert Macfarlane
- James Mathieson
- David McCann
- Neil Gillies McGregor
- Charles Munro
- Robert Steele
- George Wilson
- Peter Wylie
- Andrew Anderson
- William Beattie (RFA)
- Alexander G Brown
- John Calderwood
- Thomas Edward Cooper
- James Ferguson
- Adam Gordon
- James Harvey
- James Kane
- Gavin Lochhead
- A Mackenzie
- Duncan Mccarley
- Charles McFarlane
- Duncan McLean (RFA)
- John Murray (RFA)
- Eric Macdonald
- Alexander Bowie
- William Corscadden
- Hugh Dunlop
- Robert Dryden Galloway Gibb
- James Paterson Hamilton
- Samuel Kyle
- Malcolm Mackinnon
- John Mccartney
- John Rankin(RFA)
- William Skirving Rorison
- Daniel Shields
- Edward Tapley
- John Wilson - RFA
- Robert Bell
- Daniel Boyd
- Andrew MacFarlane Buchanan
- Adam Gillan
- AO Coxhill
- Thomas Finlayson
- Frank Gillen
- Samuel Greenwood
- John Hanson
- Thomas Meikle Hiddleston
- James Kerr (RFA)
- Peter Lorcet
- Alec MacNab
- James Mcgauchey
- Andrew McNaul
- Robert Neilston Rankin
- John Shields
- Thomas Tarbet (RFA)
- Thomas M Walker
- John Francis Wilson
- David Benson
- John Boyle
- James Buntain(RFA)
- John Fitzgerald
- William Harkness
- Archibald Bellairs Higgon
- John Hunter (RFA)
- Alex Laird
- Andrew Findlay Madden
- John McDaid
- Francis McGhee
- Robert Reid McNeill
- William Nicolson
- James Reid (RGA)
- Donald Russell
- Joseph Simmons
- Robert Taylor
- Robert Joseph Watson
- Matthew Wilson
- James Arthur
- William Buntain
- Colin Campbell
- James Brennan Collins
- Andrew Currie
- Thomas Gilmour
- Hugh Grubb
- William Harley
- Andrew Lang
- Harold Alfred James Malcolm
- James McAulay
- Alex McDonald
- Edward Parker
- Robert Russell
- Peter Wilson(RFA)
- John F Bagan
- Joseph Blackstock
- Joseph Connachan
- George Dickinson
- A Ewing
- Thomas Givan
- Hamilton Gray
- William Hyslop
- Robert Kilpatrick
- Donald Campbell MacDonald
- Peter Mallon
- James McAuley
- Neil McDonald
- Donald McGowan
- Thomas Minihan
- John Sinclair(Highland Howitzers)
- DC Willock
- Robert Wilson -RFA
- John Quigg
- Hamish Adams
- Robert Allison
- Robert Barr
- John Blair
- Henry Braitt Burns
- George Cummings
- John Currie
- JM Dickson
- John Drummond
- Roy Farmer
- AS Fraser
- James Goodman
- John Gray
- Robert Richardson Halliday
- P Hoey
- Robert Irving
- John Mcdougall
- John Mclaughlan
- Stanley Peacock
- Isaac Shenken
- James Steele
- Alfred Sweeney
- James Beaton
- William Blue
- Harold P Burr
- Robert Carmichael
- Patrick Cummings
- Clement Arthur Dale
- Mathew Dillon
- James Jamieson Dundas
- Archibald Ferguson
- Arthur Gooseman
- DAVID Hamilton
- Joseph Hopkins
- Thomas Jackson
- Samuel Leith
- A Mcewan
- D Mclean
- Robert Philips
- Archibald Robertson
- Israel Shenken
- Peter Sloan
- William Sweeney
- James Tudhope
- John Borland
- Alexander Caughey
- Thomas Cummings
- Daniel Darroch
- James Docherty
- Patrick Dundas
- Charles Fry
- Samuel Gemmell
- Robert Gordon Greenlees
- Jack Hamilton
- Thomas Horn
- Matthew Knox
- Archibald James Mcallister
- William Mcilwee
- Charles Harris Prentice
- George Raymond Gildea Robertson
- Louis Shenken
- James Small
- James Stewart
- George Wood Tainsh
- R Waddell
- George Findlay Wilson
- Francis Andrew
- Peter Bell
- John Innes Bruce
- James Caldwell
- Thomas Paterson Christie
- William Cunningham
- Robert Cosgrove Darroch
- James Docker
- Alexander Fielding
- William James Fullerton
- W Graham
- James Greenway
- Alexander Hetherington
- William Houston
- J Morton Kennedy
- William Logan
- James Black Mcalpine
- Daniel Mcgarrity
- William Mcintyre
- Neil Mclean
- John Murray
- Thomas Boyd Smart
- John Stewart
- Alex Walker
- Arthur Arkley
- Alexander Cameron
- James D Curran
- Thomas Davidson
- John Donnon
- Malcolm Dunnet
- CG Fulton
- Ross Alfred Grant
- John Humphreys
- Robert Laing
- Patrick Mcanulty
- Samuel Mcdade
- John Mckenna
- William Murray
- A Russel
- George Smith
- William Stoddart
- Hugh Arthur
- William Ritchie Cameron
- Joseph Cochrane
- Alexander Coyles
- AJ Currie
- John Dawson
- John Barclay Douglas
- Charles Edwards
- John Fulton
- James Gilmour
- William Grant
- Robert Dickson Grieve
- Patrick Kerr
- Fergus Love
- Robert Mcanulty
- Leonard Mckinnon
- Henry Smith
- William Struthers
- Henry Birkmyre
- Edward Bradley
- Campbell Crawford
- John Dawson
- John Drummond
- Robert William Evans
- Thomas Fogarty
- Robert Fulton
- Daniel Gray
- Joseph Hillis
- John Hutchison
- James Killen
- Robert Macdermitt
- John Mclachlan
- Thomas Weir Mickelsen
- John Rennie
- Robert Simpson
- William Smith
- James Swan
- Hugh Richmond Telfer
- James Whiteside
- RH Bremner
- Robert Burgess
- John Angus Campbell
- William Crooks
- Henry Currie
- John Drummond
- Alexander Thomas Ford
- John Galbraith
- John Esselmount Guthrie
- Thomas Harrison
- R Hinshelwood
- Albert Laurie
- Hugh Mclauchlan
- Frank Parris
- George Richardson
- Malcolm Service
- William Sommerville
- Charles Swanson
- George Templeton