Service men and women of Royal Engineers - Renfrew Fortress
- Angus Barr
- James Forbes (RE)
- John Mackinnon
- Arthur McGarry
- Daniel McMahon
- John Galbraith Worledge
- James Brown
- Edward Lawrence Butler
- George Lamont Campbell
- John Inglis
- James Stewart Law
- Malcolm Smith Templeton
- Peter Wright
- John Cowan
- James Fern
- Alexander Duncan Gray
- Charles Stewart Lawson
- Edward Marshall
- William McCorquodale
- Joseph McGorian
- Peter Fleming Paton
- John C Rogers
- William Douglas Thomson
- William C Whittingham
- Andrew Young
- James Ward Allison
- William Bell
- James Cox
- John Drummond (RE)
- Charles Lean
- John Mason (RE)
- Robert McCrone
- Francis G Milloy
- F Peacock
- Michael Scullion
- Andrew Christie Stewart
- William Todd (RE)
- Robert Young
- James Black
- Henry Hay
- Hugh Armstrong Keays
- D McDonald
- William McKecknie/McKechnie
- James Aitken
- John Armour(RE)
- Robert Hamilton Black
- Donald Buchanan
- James Carruthers
- Robert Fleming (RE)
- Robert Gillies
- John Hood
- Robert Kerr
- Duncan McArthur
- Andrew Forrest McDougall
- Simon Adams
- Alex Hamilton
- James Hope
- Charles McEwan
- Patrick Reid
- James Slaven(RE)
- Walter Adam
- Angus Barbour
- Charles Campbell
- John Caullay
- Frederick Ferguson
- Samuel Thomson Graham
- James Hamilton
- William King
- Alexander Waddell Mackay
- Joseph McFadyen
- Edward McLean
- Thomas O’Neill
- Robert Smith (RE)
- William Pevie Weir
- James Wilson
- Robert Aitken
- Bernard Boyle
- Hugh Brown
- James Burnside
- Colin Mitchell Campbell
- Henry Clark
- William Nairn Cunningham
- William Donald
- James Mair Ferguson
- William Andrew Graham
- William B Hamilton
- Henry Hyslop
- Walker Lang
- James Mccole
- James Orcheson
- John Ritchie
- John Smyth
- Archibald Blain Taylor
- Oately Whiteford
- Louis Albinie
- Robert Barr
- James Boyle
- Hugh B Collins
- John George Daly
- Thomas Doran
- John Munroe Ferguson
- John Forbes
- James Grant
- Robert Hannah
- John Macrae
- Felix Mcconnell
- Patrick Mcghee
- SA Mcminn
- Thomas Bell Orkney
- W Robertson
- Alexander Speirs
- James Whiteside
- James Mackellar Allan
- Donald Bell
- Edward Bradley
- John Thomson Brown
- Francis Thomas Butler
- John Shaw Campbell
- John Derrick
- John Dorans
- Ebenezer Richie Reid Frew
- Neill Harkins
- John Joseph Jamieson
- William Mearns
- Thomas Spence
- Philip Bradley
- Thomas Joseph Bryan
- William Caldwell
- William A Cargill
- James Robertson Dick
- JG Findlay
- James Frizzel
- Alexander Greenhill
- Andrew Harvie
- Thomas Kane
- Hugh Mcintosh
- Thomas Wiggins
- David Angus
- Samuel Brewster
- Charles Bryceland
- William JL Callender
- George Carpenter
- John Coyle
- John Dick
- James Duncan
- Fergus Fleming
- Thomas Galbraith
- Robert Grierson
- Allan Lindsay
- James Mcalees
- Charles George Murray
- Arthur Cecil Preston
- William Skedd
- Findlay R Stewart
- Henry Tosh
- Richard Alexander Williams
- James Brodie
- John Cameron
- Daniel McIver Crawford
- Henry Dickie
- Frederick Watson Duthie
- James Guthrie
- William Lindsay
- Archibald Mclachlan
- James McFarlane Murray
- Charles Stewart Ramsay
- Francis Skilling
- William Stewart
- Neil MacV Watson
- Alexander Wilson
- Chas Atchley
- David Blair
- Adam Brown
- William Burns
- Alexander Johnston Campbell
- William Carson
- Arthur William Crow
- William Docherty
- Robert Falconer
- William Kelly Fletcher
- James Macinnes Gorman
- William Slorach Kerr
- William Logan
- John Mcbride
- Donald Mclean
- John C Murray
- George Sutherland
- William Webster
- Gavin Wilson
- John Bonar
- Hugh Brown
- George McCall Elder Burnside
- Jack Mounteer Cubitt
- James Doherty
- John Flynn
- William Andrew Hudson
- Archibald Mcclachlan
- David Purvis Ritchie
- Benjamin Gordon Swanson