Remembering those who fought in the Great War.

John McColl

Son of Dugald and Elizabeth McColl, 72 Parkmount Street, Belfast. Native of Scotland.

According to C. Falls (The history of the first seven battalions of the Royal Irish Rifles) the 2nd R.I.Rif. were "opposite Vimy ridge"...." On the night of the 5th, after the battalion had returned to the line, the Germans made no less than three attempts to reach and destroy our mine shafts at the point where its line joined that of the 11th Lancashire Fusiliers. Fierce fighting with the bomb ended with their eviction on each occasion. The Battalion again lost heavily, having five killed and twelve wounded."

He says of May 1916 " The month's experience had been a trying one. The constant explosions were shattering to the nerves of the strongest men......And in this sort of trench warfare not only were losses very heavy, but they were largely composed of the best and most enterprising men".

John McColl