Remembering those who fought in the Great War.

Archibald Duff

Son of Archibald and Margaret Duff, Mathernock Farm, Kilmacolm.

Archibald Duff, Private, 1st Seaforth Highlanders, died in Hospital of wounds received while attending to the wounded on the battlefield, 30th March, aged 18.

Glasgow Herald 3rd April 1915: "News was received from the War Office yesterday by Mr Archibald Duff, farmer, Dykefoot, Kilmacolm, that his son, Private Archie Duff, 3rd Seaforth Highlanders, had died of wounds in France. Previous to the war Private Duff was an apprentice engineer in Greenock. He was 19 years of age. This makes the fourth death from the parish of Kilmacolm since the commencement of the war."

Newspaper Clippings relating to Archibald Duff

Archibald Duff